Windows 10 is here but it is still a work in Progress
The TCD team has done our research and we advise strongly that you hold off on upgrading your system to Windows 10. Right now we cannot promise that your software will be compatible with it... and if it is not... it has the potential to create a stoppage in your operations. What we can guarantee is that as it being so new, there are other bugs and inconsistencies in the RTM build. Why be a guinea pig?
Not All Software/Hardware Will Work as Intended
If you need further proof- according to Microsoft, "some printers and other hardware might not work, and some software might not install or work correctly, including antivirus or security programs. Users might also have trouble connecting to home or corporate networks". We say for right now it is just too much speculation and potential hassle.
One more Point
We know they are pushing it like crazy. It is the MS way. But, remember, you have a year to take up the free upgrade offer. Why rush? If you have any questions or just want to talk about Windows 10, please don’t hesitate. Your TCD experts are here at the ready to help... contact us at or call us at 1300 302 823!